Scouse Airlines

Welcome to Scouse Airlines! 

Scouse Airlines is a virtual airline I created way back in FS2000 days. For a brief period of time I even hosted a multiplayer server for FS2002 & FS2004.  If you were a member and happen to stumble upon this website, give me a shout!

Over the years I've repainted many many airpcraft, all for my own use of course. With the release of MSFS my passion has been reignited, so I've built myself a half decent cockpit and taken to the virtual skies again!

Callsign: Redscouse
Flight number: 

You can usually find me at Liverpool airport, ICAO: EGGP.
Feel free to stop by and join me for a flight.

I have to say just how amazing MSFS looks when compared to the previous iterations of the simulator, and they weren't too shabby either! Asobo have done a fantastic job graphically with MSFS, however there is a but..

As a simulator, it is nowhere near finished. There are many bugs, key features missing, and lots of things broken! To their credit, Asobo have, and continue to release updates fairly regularly.

I look forward to the day when all the bugs have been ironed out and for those of us who like to tinker with code, all methods and events have been fully implemented into simconnect.
Overall, I am very much impressed.

Departing Heathrow, homeward bound to Liverpool.
See you in the skies.